=viewratingstid=1020649pid=12970957 o 评分 0 (美容化装英文术语)1. 护肤品术语护肤: skin care 洗面奶: facial cleanserface wash(FoamingmilkycreamGel) 爽肤水: tonerastringent 紧肤水:firming lotion 柔肤水:tonersmoothing toner (fac
美容院相关英语术语女士:lady(年轻)/woman(年长) 美发师:hair stylist 客人:client/customer/guest 美发从业人员:hairdresser 老板:boss /hair owner 学徒:follower 经理/店长:manager 部门主任:department manager 学生: student 老师:teacher 业务员:
美容美发英语一个漂亮的发型总会给人一个眼前一亮的感觉。美丽当然要重“头”开始!今天在这里为大家选取了两段有关美发的对话,如果下次你有机会到国外剪发,就不用再吱吱呜呜地打哑语了。 Dialogue 1: Stylist: Hello! Wee to Amy's Salon How can we help you today发型师:你好,欢迎光临艾米美发沙龙。我能为您做点什么?
TERMS IN ENGLISH LITERATURE1. Allegory寓言讽喻A narrative in which the characters and the setting stand for abstract qualities and ideas. The writer of an allegory is not primarily trying to make the char
美容化妆常用英语词汇1.洗面奶 cleansing milk 2.去黑头洗面奶 biological cleanser 3洁面霜 clarifying cream 4.眼部御妆水 eye make up removing 5.按摩霜 massage cream 6.按摩油 massage oil 7.面膜 mask 8.冷膜 freezing mask 9.热膜 hotting mask 10.海
美容化妆常用英语词汇1.洗面奶 cleansing milk 2.去黑头洗面奶 biological cleanser 3.清洁面霜 clarifying cream 4.眼部御妆水 eye make up removing 5.按摩霜 massage cream 6.按摩油 massage oil 7.面膜 mask 8.冷膜 freezing mask 9.热膜 hotting mask 10
A Suspicion of Strong GovernmentThe Organization of the American GovernmentThe Election of the President and the CongressThe Ideal of the Free IndividualThe Development of Big GovernmentThe Role of Sp