You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The graph and table below give information about water use worldwide and water consumption in two different countries.Summarise the information by sel
雅思大作文高分关键:妙用反驳论证 新东方在线 盖文静 又是一年的申请高峰季 想必那些已经offer在手可写作分数总离学校要求差一点点的预备留学生们不在少数在雅思备考中如何在短时间内突破写作的瓶颈获得高分是考生们想要解决的一个普遍问题其实答案就隐藏在经常被考生们忽略的大作文的写作结构中——反驳论证 众所周知大作文的写作结构分为四大部分: 开头:阐述题目背景 改写题目中的不同
2011雅思A类大作文提问类型和频率统计提问类型频率To what extent do you agree or both views and give your the reasons and 雅思A类大作文明细 people think that robots are very important to humans future development while others thin
雅思教父刘洪波:教育类雅思作文高分范文及点评雅思教父刘洪波2010权威作品《最简化雅思写作》8月光芒上市从零开始单词词组句式思想完全应对官方四大评分标准最新研发最简化15句写作框架模板涵盖雅思题库各类型高分范文幽默通俗的语言手把手教出写作高分中国区前任雅思考官强力推荐Most countries spend lots of money on education as they start to r