I.时间:since ever since from then on soon after afterward until in the meantime meanwhile at the same time simultaneously?II.列举:对一类事物举出具体的例子通常表现为前面是复数或者抽象的概念后面是这个概念中的一个或几个事物firstly secondly… finally
考研英语完形填空解题秘籍之逻辑关系词 根据对连年真题的总结发现完型填空中的逻辑关系词总共有十大类? 第一:并列关系并列关系是比较简单的一种逻辑关系词常考的标志词:and and orso not only…but also neither nor that is to say. 我们看一个真题 1996(41):They do not provide energy ___do they con
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高考英语语法填空和完形填空答疑技巧语法填空还是上下文都要看综合起来解答但是首先要能理解句子的意思在填空书上的语法可以没事看一看填空跟阅读理解其实很相似如果你英语只是英语语法填空做不好就是其他还可以英语很烂是谦虚了假如真滴很烂学习英语词汇比较重要不一定非要记住写下来但是看到会有印象就比较好了如果高三的话早读一定要多读英语课文看到一些出现频率比较高的词就把中文意思写在下面以后再翻翻看效果很好吧1. 文
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高考英语完形填空试题库1The simplest way to say it is this: I believe in my mother. My __36__ began when I was just a kid.I __37__ bing a doctor. My mother was a domestic.Through her work she observed that
Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.Words. Copyright 2003-2022 Aspose Pty Ltd.高考英语完形填空试题库1The simplest way to say it is this: I believe in my mother. My __36__ began when I was just a kid.I __37__ be
高考英语完形填空训练题 训练题1Japanese high school students do not drive cars. Many either walk or ride bicycles if distance is not too great. In other cases a lot of students must 1 public buses and trains