HYPERLINK l nogonogo 热泪盈眶的GRE简体中文版 来源: HYPERLINK =399556969owner=225725350 t _blank 潘星宇的日志 这帖不真对不起自己题目出得太好了太好了太好了GPA虽说不完美但毕竟是大学四年成绩的统计数据以此衡量学术基础足矣国内考研想想不过是挑几门课(有的课还没用)让大家突击个半年一年再来次一考定终身…
【中文GRE试题】科目:语文题目数量:38时间:30分钟【中文GRE试题】科目:语文 题目数量:38 时间:30分钟 第一部分:填空题 请在甲乙丙丁戊五个选项中选择最合适的一项填入题目的空白中使句子的逻辑通顺且符合常理 1祖冲之末年于建康任谒者仆射期间 ________ 数年终于继计算圆周率之后在那段硝烟弥漫的艰苦岁月中发明了千里船水碓磨 (甲)惨淡经营 (乙)搜肠刮肚 (丙)苦思冥想 (丁)枕戈
51The recuperation time the two groupspared with might be might be great difference between the two groups of patients. Those who went to see sports medical doctor might have acute muscle strain
Jordan is a household name in America. The superstar is thought? by many to be basketballs greatest player.(名人) aputer think That depends on what you mean by think. If? solving a mathematic prob
GRE写作模版1. 开头段 In this argument the arguer concludes that sending the mechanics of GAA to a two-week QCS on proper maintenance procedures will automatically lead to improved maintenance and to great
argument常用词汇(最终版)来源为平时习作、优秀范文、同义词典、太傻论坛资源。是按意群分类的,前面的中文有些并不准确,只可意会。 告别作文版了,虽然这个词汇编排的不是很严谨,但是是我临考前认为最重要的需要灵活掌握运用的词汇,希望朋友们都能取得好成绩!!mike87227 of OUC逻辑连接词:因果(后接结果):=〉导致:result in;be responsible for;attr
1Galileo(伽利略): S u M m. P dWhen he was 25 years old he is reporting to have shown his students the error of Aristotles belief that speed of fall is not proportional to weight by dropping two objec