Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.Words. Copyright 2003-2022 Aspose Pty Ltd.应用文高考英语阅读理解应用文的文体特色命题特点素材和解答方法高考英语阅读理解应用文的文体特色:英语应用文指在日常工作和生活中使用的文体一般可分为两大类:一类是叙述性应用文例如书信日记便条报告请帖等另一类是说明性应用文包括广告启事海报守则公告公
2007年高考英语阅读专题训练50篇专题(1)AWe arranged that Kissinger(基辛格)would fly to Vietnam early in July and then stop in Pakistan on the way back. There he would develop a stomachache that would require him to stay
教学资网教学资网教学资网教学资网教学资网专题三 论述类文本阅读1. 阅读下面的文字完成13题教育不能太功利张志坤①功利化实用化的倾向给教育带来了不容忽视的弊端现今学校体系与其说是一种教育制度还不如说是一种以考试为基础的选拔制度更为确切以就业生存为基本诉求而展开激烈的竞争角逐高等教育现在是大众化了但是大众化后好像竞争非但没有减少而且还愈演愈烈这种教育体系所带来的升学压力就学压力非常大经济压力
1171定义或解释说明2对比关系 信号词: but however yet otherwise while though on the one hand…on the other hand for one thing…for another thing instead of 等 Though Toms face has been washed quite clean his neck
英语阅读专题训练一: works in a food factory. He helps the shopkeeper. He puts food on the shelves every day Then peoplee into the shop and buy the food. Today there aret any bags
高中英语阅读理解专题训练(第2套)第一节:阅读理解(共15小题每小题2分满分30分)阅读下列短文从每题所给的ABC和D项中选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑A (words:311225)The British National Health Service (NHS) was set up in 1948 and was designed to provide equal basic he
文言文段阅读 [备考提要 文言文段的阅读要求理解虚词在文中的用法实词在文中的含义(包括古今词义不同等)句式及用法翻译并综合理解解题时注意联系已学知识举一反三落实句意整体把握句意领会文章主旨观点综合分析题可逐项回到原文相应处筛选并提取相关信息]阅读下列各段文言文完成文后相应的题目 (一) 十六年奉车都尉窦固出击匈奴以超为假司马将兵别
2010届高考英语阅读理解专题训练[4](一)Why do men die earlier than women The latest research makes it known that the reason could be that mens hearts go into rapid decline when they reach middle largest study of the