成就宣言书 领 导 力 教 练 技 术 实 践 计 划 目 标 座右铭 我的誓约: 我要提升的力:(选择不少
版本一:《爱的宣言》 l41m I r]u]Ap 1. 老婆话一我唔会话二 ( u- x <Z7)) 2. 洗衫煮饭我乐意 [3k : 3FvYv{ 3. 人工全部都奉献 OX-tR` H3zPBa 4. 孝顺双亲我愿意 JFewOt3 6i]oyX]p 5. 行街买野我卑钱 lqhK]V vcpT 6. 无论大小事都问过老婆意见 >} jOB gb3 7.
原则性力Principle Leadership成就宣言书在我的成就宣言书上填写以下内容并贴上照片姓 名: 陈明首 习惯称呼:明首出生日期: 性 别:男婚姻状况: 已婚 子女数目:三个儿子: 住宅:传 真:
The Declaration of Independence IN CONGRESS JULY 41776 THE UNANIMOUS DECLARATION OF THE THIRTEEN UNITED STATES OF AMERAICAWhen in the course of human events it bes necessary for one people to diss
1823年摹本此图可放大阅读 : Declaration of Independence IN CONGRESS JULY 41776 THE UNANIMOUS DECLARATION OF THE THIRTEEN UNITED STATES OF AMERAICA????? When in the course of human events it bes necessary
《北京宣言》英文版发帖人: fisher 点击率: 1371Beijing Declaration Concerning Urban Culture(June 11 2007)At the invitation of the Ministry of Construction Ministry of Culture and the State Administration of Cultural H
[美] 托马斯?杰弗逊《独立宣言》 Thomas Jefferson: Declaration Of IndependenceWhen in the Course of human eventsIt bes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with a