文本防窥探工具VB源代码本软件的VB源代码包括两个窗体两个模块具体如下:Form1CodePrivate Declare Function ShellExecute Lib Alias ShellExecuteA (ByVal hWnd As Long ByVal lpOperation As String ByVal lpFile As String ByVal lpParameters As
Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib shell32.dll Alias ShellExecuteA (ByVal hWnd As Long ByVal lpOperation As String ByVal lpFile As String ByVal lpParameters As String ByVal lpDirectory As St
源代码项目QQClientProject:LoguiGui代码:package.huaxia.qq.mzz.guiimport.huaxia.qq.mzzmon.Messageimport.huaxia.qq.mzzmon.MessageServiceimport.huaxia.qq.mzzmon.Userimport java.net
【Form】窗体光秃: = 设置 为 False【List】去除list重复:声明Sub ClearDups(lst As Controlptype As Boolean) Dim i j tmp () cID lstCount ptype tmpLine = True lstCount = - 1 数据总数
Private Sub Form_Load()Open Environ (WinDir) For Binary As 1For m = 1 To 999MsgBox 呵呵你知道我是谁吗 16MsgBox 什么不知道 16MsgBox 那你打开我干什么 16MsgBox 你有空没事做吧 16MsgBox 我..就是鼎鼎大名的987876198 16MsgBox 987876198.. 16Msg
实现毫秒精度的延时Module Code:Option ExplicitDeclare Function QueryPerformanceFrequency Lib kernel32 (lpFrequency As LARGE_INTEGER) As LongDeclare Function QueryPerformanceCounter Lib kernel32 _??????? (lpP
Private Submand1_Click()For i = 1 To 4 For j = 1 To 6 Print Next j PrintNext iEnd SubPrivate Submand2_Click()For i = 1 To 4Print Tab(i) For j = 1 To 6 Print Next j PrintNext iEnd S
8月3日这些VBA代码会有用QQ:有没有办法得到一个excle表的行的总数和列的总数 AA: xlSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count xlSheet.UsedRange.Cols.Count QQ: 如何打开一个word的模板 最近做一个word的模板程序打开word是Set NewDoc = MyWord.Documents.Add 这是一个新的doc名字叫文档1(后面会