TITANICkept seeking for helpworking on CarpathiaDisaster Development
Click ROSE: How cold 露丝:多凉JACK:Freezing. Maybe a couple of degrees over. Have you ever uh ever been to Wisconsin 杰克:像冰一样顶多高几度你呃你去过威斯康辛州没有ROSE: What 露丝:什么州JACKWell they have some of the coldes
Rose was tired of the unreal life in the high society and didnt want to marry Carl she intended to throw herself into the sea but was rescued by the beautiful and vivacious Rose and the handsome and
Xiao Ming works in a shop thatwhich sells photo is a famous actor. I think the men will move some of the little flags on the map and decide where and when they will attack. After making that decisi
JackPainterwin?a?ticket?by?gamblingRoseBeautifulSexyCarlnouveau riche(土豪)Rose' fianceThe Titanic?hit an icebergDestroyFinallyThe endThankyou
今天和朋友去看《泰坦尼克号》第一次看了一次完整版电影定义爱情片灾难片十五年后它以3D的形式再次登上了荧屏成为焦点以前的记忆总是断断续续那一句you??jump??I??jump??以及那个动听的插曲让我对那个浪漫的爱情充满向往???????? 曾经的记忆里曾以为那只是阐述了一对敢于冲破传统的情侣的爱情故事不曾把它与灾难挂钩但是今天我看到了更多关于人性关于态度关于自我???????? 该电影是以回忆
《泰坦尼克号》经典对白(On deck. Rose is crying and runs past Jack who is lying on a bench smoking. She climbs over the ships railings and hangs on with her back to the ship about to jump into the sea.) (甲板上
泰坦尼克号沉没泰坦尼克号沉没航速过快钢板易断泰坦尼克号沉没 三是不负责任拒绝警示 很多事故的发生并非没有征兆只是这些警示被輕視被忽略被拒绝接受 在5天的时间里泰坦尼克号收到其他邻近船只发出的警告达到21次但从船长到船上的每个工作人员都一而再再而三地忽视危险警告这可能显得極端了点