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2019年10月高等教育自学考试《旅游英语翻译》试题课程代码:05385I. Cloze Direcfions:There are altogether 20 blanks in the following paragraph(s) and for each blank 4 choices are provided. Choose the correct answer and write the
2017年10月高等教育自学考试《旅游英语翻译》试题课程代码:05385I. Cloze (1×20=20)Directions: There are altogether 20 blanks in the following paragraph(s) and for each blank 4 choices are provided. Choose the correct answer and
2018年10月高等教育自学考试《旅游英语翻译》试题课程代码:05385I. Cloze (1 × 20=20)Directions: There are altogether 20 blanks in the following paragraph(s) and for each blank 4 choices are provided. Choose the correct answer an