前 言? 以民国为界百年之前的无情对作品也就二三十副吧我把它们叫做无情对原生态时期的代表作它们代表着那个时代就已初成气候的一个联种穿越100年的时光隧道抵达了现代带给了我们关于无情对的初步印象与认识 到了网络时代无情对创作开始繁荣一批新的佳作也冒了出来这就使我产生了类似于遴选《清联300副》的念头的确我们需要一批经典来代言这个联种 更为迫切的是在原生态无情对作品的传承过程中也传递了很多的认识
School of Practical Dissection1Kenny Williams In the hands of the priest the heart has to break like crockery for a single man not the human race which we love into oblivion and despise in ge
Even the Ohio Can ChangeRick Campbell The river I grew up on was rank with oil. Shoreline stones gleamed slick-blue and nothing in the river was worth a slug of scrap1 metal: carp and catfish si
经典对联欣赏 同字异音 这是刻在山海关姜女庙上的一副名联: 海水朝朝朝朝朝朝朝落浮云长长长长长长长消异字同音 饥鸡盗稻童桶打暑鼠凉梁客咳惊 无山得似巫山好何水能如河水清 贾岛醉来非假倒刘伶饮尽不留零 点灯登阁各攻书移椅倚桐同赏月 童子击桐子桐子落童子乐 回文倒顺 地满红花红满地 天连碧水碧连天 .洞帘水挂水帘洞 山果花开花果山 碧天连水水连天水天一色 明月伴星星伴月星月交辉 脸映桃红桃映脸 风摇柳
This Present LifeJames Reiss Did the bird that slammed into my picture window think its glass was an open door he could breeze through like the sparrow flying through time in the Anglo-Saxon poem