全球度量衡对照表(英汉对照)英美制到公制换算 公制到英制换算 Linear Measure 长度单位:1 inch 英寸=254 millimetres 毫米1 foot 英尺=12 inches 英寸=03048 metre 米1 yard 码=3 feet 英尺=09144 metre 米1 (statute) mile 英里=1760 yards 码=1609
1. Im not myself??我烦透了2Dont bother me??别烦我3Give me five more minutes please??再给我五分钟时间好吗4How did you sleep??你睡的怎么样5Dont hog the bathroom??别占着卫生间了6Dont hog the shower.?? 别占着浴室了7Dont hog my girlfriend
第一部分:?环绕立体声(channel)value?通道值108 bit black point?黑点参数108 bit white point?白点参数3D glasses?三维眼镜3D motion?3D过渡3D view?三维查看4 color gradient?四色渐变 mixdown type?混音类型abort capture on dropped frames?丢失帧则中断采集
AE应用的第一课特效检索---在这里找到你设想的效果吧...然后才是去学习它因此警记没必要一味的去学习各种特效学了也记不住的...第1章 55MM 55mm Color Grad(颜色渐变) 55mm Defocus (散焦) 55mm Faux Flim(模仿胶片效果) 55mm Fluorescent (荧光) 55mm Fog(雾) 55mm Infra-red (在红色下面)
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The Magic Mill英汉对照A long time ago far far away there lived two brothers. One of them was quite rich: the other was very poor. The rich brother lived on a little island he was a seller of salt. He had
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