运行错误 提示You cannot close the workspace while a bui文章来源: 运行错误 提示You cannot close the workspace while a build is in the Stop Build caommand before closeing the workspace解决:VC都会出现这个错误因为我们用的大多数是盗版的软件你
1.多数工程师都习惯于将PCB文件设计好后直接送PCB厂加工而国际上比较流行的做法是将PCB文件转换为GERBER文件和钻孔数据后交PCB厂为何要多此一举呢 因为电子工程师和PCB工程师对PCB的理解不一样由PCB工厂转换出来的GERBER文件可能不是您所要的如您在设计时将元件的参数都定义在PCB文件中您又不想让这些参数显示在PCB成品上您未作说明PCB厂依葫芦画瓢将这些参数都留在了PCB成品上
Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.Words. Copyright 2003-2022 Aspose Pty Ltd.A Mon File It all began when I was 17-year-old there about. At that time my academic record was not very well so my fath
file_1:include <>include<>void main(){FILE fpchar chfilename[10]scanf(sfilename)if((fp=fopen(filenamew))==NULL){printf(cannot open filen)exit(0)} 终止程序ch=getchar()ach=getchar()bwhile(ch=){fputc(chfp)pu
Design history fileFrom Wikipedia the free encyclopediaJump to: _history_file l mw-headmw-head navigation _history_file l p-searchp-search search Design History File is apilation of o
Horror filmOn Halloween weekend movie audience are moved to scream and thats a good news for the producers of one of the movies the top of the box offices right now Paranormal Activity it was cheap to