Unit One Friendship(1) 1. bound??????????????????????? 2. appropriate3. possessing???????????????? 4. permanent5. appointed?????????????????? 6. parted7. had corresponded????? 8. gazed 9. notion??????
Unit 15. 1)For convenience the photos will be shown in time sequence. ?为方便起见这些照片将按照时间顺序展示2)You are required to stop your car after an accident. ?出现事故之后你需要把车停下? 3)The conceptions and practices of ch
Unit7Working with Words and ) craned 2) striking 3) grand 4) dense 5) assume 6)roar 7) clutch 8) shattering 9) fluttering 10) brisk2. 1) struggling with2) pay your respects3) hase up with4) lining
只用于个人学习请勿为了完成作业而直接抄答案Unit 8 The Discus ThrowerVocabulary I. 1. reddish brown 2. low-growing 3. almost unbearable degree 4. brings the spoon into light contact with 5. visit the patients
只用于个人学习请勿为了完成作业而直接抄答案Unit 7 The MonsterKey to ExercisesTextprehensionI. CII. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. TIIIRefer to paragraph 1. He had a short stature with a disproportionate large head. A
只用于个人学习请勿为了完成作业而直接抄答案Unit 2 Space Invaderskey for the exercisesVocabularyII. 1. sidled up 2. carve out 3. attribute... to 4. stake a claim 5. tread on 6. plowed into 7. is proportional to