Hawthorne was born in Salem Massachusetts. Some of his ancestors were men of prominence in the Puritan theocracy神权政治 of seventeenth-century New England. One of them was a colonial magistrate notorious
The American Modernism(I) (1914 - 1945)Function of LiteratureHero PlotMajor WorksA child growing up in a nameless town in the middle of Minnesota Gatsby dreams of the impossible - and makes the imposs
Though romanticism is a term applied to the period by later critics their contemporaries grouped the authors at the time into various schools as the Lake School the Cockney School and the Satanic Scho
The American DreamThe term American Dream is used in a number of ways but essentially is an idea which suggests that all people can succeed through hard work and that all people have the potential to
The American DreamWarm-up DiscussionWhat is the American Dream in your opinionIn what ways can a person be considered as being successfulWhat is the key to successThe essence of the American Dream I t
Can you image a kind oflife what without any dreamThe situation may be like this picture …At sea lonelyDon’t know where should you goDon’t knowwhat should you do Don’t know how to grasp the timeBut ti
The American ConstitutionBy Zheng MinArticles of ConfederationThe first constitution is the Articles of Confederation1777 passed by the Continental Congress1781 ratified by the statesOur 1st form of g