U3T5 翻译作业 高亮为错误 请根据自己的版本订正 勿照抄参考翻译他承认未经允许拿了他的admit…admitted taking his cellphone without permission/ being allowed permit/ admission/ agreement/ allowance这次珠宝展每天只允许少数人参观 admitOnly few people are a
MRU3T6你要反思自己算犯的罪行 reflectYou should reflect on the crime that you did/mittemit/ do crime 犯罪很明显 他说了个善意的谎言 clearIt is clear that he told a white lie你太抠了 居然喂狗吃剩饭 It is… remainsIt is so mean of
U6T5 定语从句翻译(下滑部分为定从)1 [那些不懂装懂的]人终究要受到惩罚 ThosepretendThose people [who pretend to know what they don’t know] will be punished eventually2 [那个正在和护士说话的]医生过几天将被派去地震灾区 earthquake-stricken, whomThe doctor
U3T2 用给定关键词1邻居跟警察投诉狗吠扰民plainNeighborsplained to the police about the dog’s barking2如果你能尽快答复 我将不胜感激 appreciate itI would appreciate it very much if you could give me a reply asap3他获得了去剑桥大学念书的
U4 T61是她引领我进入艺术的世界introduce2新发行的专辑是SONY录制的 (record)3有了这款应用 你能随时随地欣赏高质量的音乐 (with)4一个令人不安的趋势是人们过度依赖它们的 (trend)5这些技术现在看似不现实 但在不久的将来会成真 (seem)6 在一个观众被包围起来的剧院里 你能够身临其境地欣赏电影 (定从 surround)U4 T51 天花板上吊着
U5T5答案1 不可能在在短期内解决如此多的问题 solveIt is impossible for the government to solve so many problems in a short time2 解放前 工人们不得不每天工作12小时以上 have toBefore liberation/ Before liberated, workers had to work ov
U3 T2 1023 翻译作业标注他承认抢了他的钱包 admitHe admitted stealing his wallet / robbing him of his walletAdmit doing sth, steal sth from sb, rob sb of sth这座建筑花了十年才建成It took…to; constructionIt took 10 years to
U3T3 1024翻译作业你可以用盐保存鱼和肉preserveYou can preserve meat and fish with salt你的理论应该基于实验和数据 base vt: base A on BYour theory should be based on experiments and dataYou should base your theory on experiments
U6T6 MR 翻译答案1你有多重?(weigh)How much do you weigh2西方和亚洲的饮食存在很大的差别(difference)There are significant differences between Western diets and Asian diets3他吸毒的事实充分解释了他的怪异举动(account for)The fact that he was t
U6T4下滑部分定从翻译1饮食种类繁多的人能保持健康(variety)People who eat a variety of food can stay healthya variety of = different kinds of2白色农业是指一种在水中种植植物的新的耕作(定从, farming)White agriculture means a new kind of farming t