Text 1The selection of a cutting fluid should also include considerations such as its potential effect on workpiece material and machine tools, biological factors, and environmental factorsBiologica
Text 1Manufacturing gives jobs to people and makes the products consumers need Manufacturingpanies hire people with many types of skills and talents to help thepaniespete well in the wor
Text 1abrasive machining processes to achieve the following results:1 Reduce friction and wear, thus improving tool life and surface finish2 Reduce forces and energy consumption3 Cool the cutting zo
Text 1The relative severity of various machining operations is defined as the magnitude temperatures and forces encountered the tendency for built-up edge formation, and the ease with which chips ar
Text 1Four general types of cutting fluids aremonly used in machining operations: oils, emulsions, semisynthetics, and syntheticsAn emulsion is admixture of two immiscible liquids (usually of oi
Text 1The selection of a cutting fluid should also include considerations such as its potential effect on workpiece material and machine tools, biological factors, and environmental factorsEffects o
Text 1Four general types of cutting fluids aremonly used in machining operations: oils, emulsions, semisynthetics, and syntheticsOils maintain high film strength on the surface of a metal, as we
Text 1There are three basic methods of cutting fluid application:1 Flood cooling This is the mostmon method Flow rates range from 10 L/min (3 gal/min) for single-point tools to 225 L/min (60 gal
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