综教第1课 Philosophy of life词汇部分:linger地点 表逗留 linger over消磨sabbatical year休假年make for 有助于net worth 净值pay hike 大幅涨薪 float up with 随之上涨ratchet upward 一步步地前进boost the morale of 提高士气free your heart from
英语用餐一些口语Useful wordsdrink 饮料: 饮料: mineral water 矿泉水 orange juice 桔子原汁 beer 啤酒 wine 葡萄酒 Rice wine 米酒 distillate [distilit] spirits [spirit]白酒 [spirit]白酒 alcohol concentration 酒精浓度 champagne [??mpein
group 11. what books do You often readWhyDifferent people read different books for their own purposes and interests. In my spare time I usually read some of book on history such as Of those things occ
综教第1课 Philosophy of life词汇部分: : 地点 逗留 linger over消磨sabbatical year休假年make for 有助于net worth 净值pay hike 大幅涨薪 float up with 随之上涨ratchet upward 一步步地前进boost the morale of 提高士气free your heart from h
三一口语3级词汇总结常用动词describe(描述) introduce(介绍) 名词self-introduction(自我介绍) 学校library(图书馆) classroom building(教学楼) gym(体育馆) basketball court(篮球场) playground(操场) dining-hall(食堂)gate(大门) floor(楼层) auditorium(
教育精品中英语语法口诀大汇总【新初一年级英语语法口诀(上)】大小写字母书写口诀大A箭头指上方小a系辫好模样大B耳朵右边长小b食指指向上大C吃饭把嘴张小c大C一个样大D肚子圆又胖小d五线谱里藏大E将山竖着放小e像鱼肉真香大F像旗杆上绑小f像个小拐杖大G让C挂条棍小g大辫真正长大H工字放倒写小h椅子侧着放大I工字中间长小i像人跪地上??? 大J长得多像厂小j子弹射出枪大K伸臂又踢腿小k稍息把事想大
经济贸易国民经济常用语 中央计划经济 centrally planned economy指令性经济 mandatory plan网络经济 Internet-based economy实证经济学 positive economy外向型经济 export-oriented economy实体经济 the real economy规模
美剧常用口语汇总 四Shes got quite a wad. 她身怀巨款 I dont have anywhere to be. 没地方可去 Im dying to see you. 我很想见你I swear by the god. 我对天发誓Nothing tricky. 别耍花招You might at least apologize. 你顶多道个歉就得了Price is soaring i
美剧常用口语汇总 三Make it up 不记前嫌Watch you mouth. 注意言辞Any urgent thing 有急事吗Good luck 祝你好运Make it. 达到目的获得成功Ill be seeing you. 再见I wonder if you can give me a lift 能让我搭一程吗It is raining. 要下雨了I might hear a pin d
美剧常用口语汇总 二Get out of here 滚出去Howe… 怎么回事怎么搞的Dont mention it. 没关系别客气It is not a big deal 没什么了不起thousand times no 绝对办不到Who knows 天晓得Have a good of it.玩的很高兴Dont let me down. 别让我失望It is urgent. 有急事 Can