期末作业考核《英语教学法》 满分100分 = 1 ROMAN I. Fill in the blanks.(每题1分共29分)1. First of all a teacher should be __ _(1) in the English language. The importance of being a good language user involves
郑州大学现代远程教育《英语教学法》课程考核要求说明:本课程考核形式为提交作论文完成后请保存为WORD 2003版本格式的文档登陆学习平台提交并检查和确认提交成功(能够下载并且内容无误即为提交成功)论文撰写要求1选题须与本课程内容相关2必须由自己独立完成不得抄袭或请人代写引用部分内容须注明出处不得侵犯他人著作权如发现抄袭行为记为0分3应围绕论文的主题收集相关进行深入的调查研究或引用个人研究成果根
一翻译法(Translation Method) 翻译法也叫语法翻译法(Grammar-Translation Method)阅读法(Reading Method)古典法(Classical Method)翻译法最早是在欧洲用来教授古典语言希腊语和拉丁语的外语教学方法到18世纪末和19世纪中期开始被用来教授现代语言翻译法的教学目的是培养学生阅读外国文学作品的能力和模仿范文进行写作的能力其突出
英语教学法2009级本科复习提纲Part I. Blank-filling ( 26 2×13) There are 5 iplete sentences?in?this part. You are required to fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate . four different views of language l
八种教学法:1) The grammer-translation method 2) The direct method 3) The oral approach 4) The audiolingual method 5) The cognitive approach 6) The na
黑龙江省高等教育自学考试英语教育(050206)专业(独立本科段)英语教学法考试大纲(课程代码 7857)黑龙江省高等教育自学考试委员会办公室二○○九年十月一考试形式:笔试二学习时间:一学期三课程总纲:通过本课程的学习学习者应该掌握:教学指导思想教学基本原则听力口语阅读写作课程的教学方法怎样组织教与学怎样设计教学如何利用教材如何解决常见问题等四分册纲目:怎样做一位好老师考核要点:教师用语特
The Terms of English Language Teaching Methodology英语教学法术语Aachievement test???? 成绩测试acquisition???? 习得语言习得acquisition???? 语言习得顺序active mastery???? 积极掌握active vocabulary???? 积极词汇主动词汇affective filtering?
He applies Counseling-learning theory to language teaching. A group of learners called amunity study together in a circle with the teacher outside the circle who provides target language expressio
Click First languageAutomaticReal contextsContinuous exposureNo teachinpletely successfulCrying (from birth)Cooing (8-20 weeks)soft gurgling soundsVocal play (20-30 weeks)vowel-like and consonant-