day 144词义辨析:StickAdhereCohereClingCleave粘stick是指粘附可以是人与人物与物之间的粘连具体的连接或者比喻意义上的连接强调不容易分开柯林斯解释为If one thing sticks to another it bes attached to it and is difficult to remove.如:The soil sticks to the
Day 147词义辨析:SuccessionChainProgressionSequenceSeriesStringTrain一系列succession是指类似的事物或者事件一个接一个在时间上相继出现或者空间上经过人为排列没有中断柯林斯解释为A succession of things of the same kind is a number of them that exist or happe
Day 124词义辨析:RequestPleadBegImploreRequireAsk求request是指有礼貌地正式请求要求柯林斯有两条解释分别表明它有两种搭配方式:If you request something you ask for it politely or formally.即request可以是要求某物直接跟宾语搭配request something (fromof someon
Day 140词义辨析:SorryIm afraidBadGuiltyApologeticAshamed抱歉的sorry尤其用在口语中表示自己认识到错了而道歉柯林斯解释为You say Sorry or Im sorry as a way of apologizing to someone for something that you have done which has upset them
Day 141词义辨析:SpeechAddressLectureTalkHarangueOrationSermonHomily讲话speech是指任何对的讲话正式的或者非正式的即席的或者预先准备好的也无论听众水平高低等柯林斯解释为A speech is a formal talk which someone gives to an audience.如:She is due to make a
Day 114词义辨析:(一)PredictForecastForeseeProjectForetellProphesy预见predict是根据所得到的信息知识观点或者凭借宗教法术等力量进行预测柯林斯解释为If you predict an event you say that it will happen.如:The latest opinion polls are predicting a v
Day 164词义辨析:ViewOpinionPointBeliefIdea观点看法view用作可数名词尤其是复数名词表示个人的意见态度对某个问题的想法见解柯林斯解释为Your views on something are the beliefs or opinions that you have about it for example whether you think it is good
Day 154词义辨析:ThoughtfulContemplativeMeditativePensiveReflective沉思的thoughtful是指认真思考全神贯注的这种状态也可以指对问题深思熟虑这种习惯柯林斯解释为If you are thoughtful you are quiet and serious because you are thinking about something.
Day 143词义辨析: (一) StagePhaseStep阶段stage是指活动过程或时期的阶段部分柯林斯解释为A stage of an activity process or period is one part of it.如:The way children talk about or express their feelings
Day 148词义辨析:SumAmountAggregateTotalWhole总量sum是数字相加的结果柯林斯解释为In mathematics the sum of two numbers is the number that is obtained when they are added together.它还可指全部所有柯林斯解释为The sum of something is all o