--- to summarize or synthesize information and ideas gathered from research--- to explainpare and contrast evaluate or analyze concepts events and phenomenon--- to argue for or against a position
Formal Academic English WritingArthur Brookes and Peter Grundy show the criteria for FAEW from good to poorGrundy teaches on the TESOL doctorate programme at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, has writ
Term schedule学期安排Week 6Week 12Samples (marco- micro-structure language)What is academic writingQuestion:In your opinion what is academic writing1. What is academic Features
Lecture 1 IntroductionAcademic WritingQuestionsWhat problems do u think you have in English writingWhat do u want to achieve from this course about academic writing Put it in a specific way What contr
下雨天留客天留人不留 东家: 无鸡鸭也可无鱼肉也可豆腐白菜不可少不得要学费银子30两 ××秀才 ×年×月×日 吟道: 养猪大如山老鼠只只死 酿酒缸缸好造醋坛坛酸 人多病少财富英文中的印刷体用斜体字表示书籍报刊戏剧电影绘画作品等的名称在书写体或打 字机打的文本中用字下线表示斜体字英文常用逗号来代替冒号而句号是用实心小黑点表 示故以上两句应改为: 〔修改〕1.?While?she
學術論文寫作 Academic Writing Dr. Margarette Connor康慕婷(英文系兼任副教授)Dr. Joseph Arul (周賜福 資訊工程學系助理教授)三學分課程課程規劃本課目的:指導輔大老師書寫學術論文以在英語學術期刊或會議論文發表文章本課結束後學員應可以:了解英語期刊發表格式完成一篇準備投期刊發表的論文Schedule: 時間表 From Sept to end o
How to make the controlling ideas in the sentence 主题句由两部分组成即主题(topic)和制约点中心思想(controlling idea)中心思想的作用是导向(control)和制约(limit)我们前面谈到的关键词就反映了中心思想所谓导向就是规定段落的发展脉络所谓制约就是限制主题的覆盖范围两者不可分割没有导向内容就会离题或偏题没有制约内容
General Guidelinessteady gradual moderate smooth