[00:]I still ask myself if I did the right thing 我还在问自已是否做的对[00:]when I abandoned his floating city 当我离开了他漂泊的城市[00:]And I dont mean only for the work 我指的不仅是工作[00:]fact is a friend like that a real fri
经典电影《海上钢琴师》中英文剧本I still ask myself if I did the right thing abandoning his floating city.我还在问我自己究竟有没有做错把他那漂浮的城市遗弃了I dont just mean for the work.我不仅仅指工作The fact is a friend like thata real friend yo
陆上的人喜欢寻根问底虚度了大好光阴冬天忧虑夏天的姗姗来迟夏天则担心冬天的将至所以他们不停四处游走追求一个遥不可及四季如夏的地方—我并不羡慕Why why why why why... I think land people waste a lot of time wondering why. Winteres they cant wait for summer summeres t
Evaluation Only. Created with Aspose.Words. Copyright 2003-2022 Aspose Pty Ltd.海上钢琴师简介影评一九零零年的第一天油轮维珍尼亚号载着熙熙攘攘的欢呼人群在纽约港靠岸在梦想的鼓动下黑压压的人流涌下船迎接充满可能性的美好未来喧嚣过后船上除了船员所剩无几添煤工人Danny Boodman于是偷偷跑到餐厅搜罗客人遗落下的贵重物品
《海上钢琴师》:永远漂泊的灵魂 t _blank ??2006年09月15日10:32??来源:电影评论库??字号: javascript:ts(acontent-1) 小 javascript:ts(acontent1) 大 雨后新晴平静的海面上雾气氤氲满载着希望与梦想的弗吉尼亚号缓缓地驶向大西洋的彼岸忽然一个兴奋嘹亮的声音响起:美国整艘船顿时人声鼎沸对着扑面而来的自由
单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级An epic story of a man who could do anything…except be ordinary.THE LEGEND OF 1900海上钢琴师Who is 1900 当爱来临之时On the shipboard a young pure beautiful girl ha
All that city you just couldnt see an end to it.城市那么大看不到尽头The end Please Can you please just show me where it ends尽头在哪里可以给我看看尽头么Itwas all very final on that gangway and I was grant too in my over