考点跟踪训练41 阅读理解 (一)(2011舟山A)Its 10∶00 pm. A man leaves a restaurant gets into his car and drives away. 200 metres further hes stopped by a police officer. Officer: Good evening sir. Were
初 中英语:阅读理解 (41)Many people go to school for an education. 1 learn languages history geography physics chemistry and maths. Others go to school to learn a skill so that they can 2 a l
考点跟踪训练43 阅读理解型问题二填空题6.(2010·黄石)若自然数n使得作竖式加法n(n1)(n2)均不产生进位现象则称n为可连数例如32是可连数因为323334不产生进位现象23不是可连数因为232425生产了进位现象那么小于200的可连数的个数为________.答案 24解析 利用分类讨论一位数中可连数有3个分别为(012)再考虑两位数中可连数有(101112)(202122)(3
一选择题1.若将代数式中的任意两个字母交换代数式不变则称这个代数式为完全对称式如abc就是完全对称式.下列三个代数式:①(a-b)2②abbcca③a2bb2cc2a.其中是完全对称式的是( )A.①② B.①③ C.②③ D.①②③答案 A解析 若把a2bb2cc2a中的ab两个字母交换得b2aa2cc2b代数式发生变化不是完全对称式而(a-b)2(a-a)2abbccabaaccb是完