7-eleven 历史背景7-Eleven便利店诞生于美国,前身是成立于1927年的“南大陆制冰”。当时由于电冰箱并未普及,冷藏用的冰块成为生活中不可缺少的必需品。在南大陆制冰销售冰块的约翰·杰夫森·戈林,非常关心顾客服务的改善,他做出了夏季店铺天天开,每天营业16个小时的决定,这项服务深受当地居民的欢迎。不仅如此,戈林通过仔细调查当地居民的购买意愿和需求,发现当地居民不仅希望他能销售冰块
110 million pieces of stones weighting at 10t100000thousand for one pyramid
Seven-UpGroup Members: TiffanyKevinRyanEchoQQAvrilZoeVictorBe Wise to UseputerHow many of you have aputerHow to useputer wiselyToday is your answer!!!Useputer to studyUseputer to k
1. Verbal irony: understatement (minimizes the nature of sth) and overstatement (exaggerates the nature of sth): you are a real angel. reality: greedy and ruthless)2. Situational irony: the situation
It is context-dependent. It is the product of sentence meaning and context. Therefore it is richer than the meaning of the sentence.(92) I do.as uttered in the course of a marriage guess that he h
Seven functions of waterNourish your skin(滋润肌肤) Water is natural cosmetics. Dehydration will make wrinkles deeper in the contrary drink more water can let your skin to more full and make your face lo
1 被动语态的作用: 突出主语(英文主语往往是抽象名词无定名词或是类指相应中文主语往往是非逻辑主语)我校将举行一次派对A party will be held in our party will be held in our party will be canceled (in our school).中国正在进行大拆迁运动明天将对汪精卫展开调查结果产生了一氧化碳carbon monoxide