期中复习1 记住随身带张地图, 以防在森林里迷路 (in case)1 Remember to take a map with you in case you get lost in the forestin case 加 结构完整的句子2 尽管医生要她好好休息,在圣诞假期她还是去了韩国滑雪。(despite)2 In the Christmas vacation, she went to S
\* MERGEFORMAT 2 期中复习1 你对事态的发展有何评论mentDo you have anyment on the recent developmenment是vi,不存ment sth on sth,即不存在 what do youment on sth2 如果你能提醒我明天把运动鞋带来 我将非常感激 appreciate itI wo
完成句子M7U19 L1 Language Learning1. 早在18世纪人们就语言英语有一天会成为全球性语言而这一语言业已得到证实1. It was predicted as early as the 1700s that English would one day be the global language and that has proved to be the case in
F5 期末复习5 请使用给定关键词家长的行为将极大地影响孩子的成长。(influence)Parents’ behavior will greatly influence(vt) children’s growth/ will have a big influence(n) on children’s growth如果你亲眼看到动物被杀,一定会失去吃肉的胃口。(appetite) If you
F1 期末复习1 答案人们认为这是一个教育和娱乐完美结合的地方。(regardwork)People regard this place as the one where education and entertainment work well together(课文原句改编)regard A as Bregard that…不直接接从句总理所做的决定证明是果断的。(prove)The de
F6有相关错误的 订正要包括蓝色高亮部分表示没有按要求订正 下次有重做的危险你肯定抄了他的作业 你们两人的作业一模一样(must)You must have copied his homework, since your homework is exactly the same (as his)Must do sth必须做Must have done对过去的肯定推测Same前 不能少定冠词他冒
F2农耕过去常被认为是乏味和落后的。(regard\ use)Farming used to be regarded as boring and backwardsb used to do 过去常常做某事sth be used to do sth 某物被用来做regard A as B/ adj 注意主动被动他从不浪费任何机会炫耀自己的才能。(fail\ make the most use)H
F7请使用给定关键词过了不久那场激烈的辩论就结束了。(before; 状从译)It was not long before the fierce debate ended/ came to an end不过多久就It was T before 过了…才It will be T before …还要…才…It won’t be T before …再过…就…前天Mike正在公园里慢跑,就在这时突
F3 期末复习3 请使用定从和给定关键词正如报纸所报道,校园暴力的上升是一种令人担忧的新趋势。(trend; 非限定从译)As is reported in the newspaper, the rise of violence on campus is a kind of worrying/disturbing new trend此处令人担心的 不用 anxiousanxious=worri
F4 翻译答案1、这本书里有50个小故事,包括我刚才讲的那一个。(contain,include)This book contains fifty short stories, including the one I told just now/ which include the one… 2、只有患过重病的人才真正明白健康对于一个人意味着什么。(aware)Only those who w