Click to edit Master title styleClick to edit Master text stylesSecond levelThird levelFourth levelFifth levelOrganizationalBEHAVIORMCSHANEVON GLINOW? The McGraw-Hillpanies Inc. 2000Irwin McGraw-H
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Click The Word StressChronic StressThe Stress Response(fight or flight response)Is there more of less stress in todays society Provide ten examples to back up your Stress
壓力管理 Stress Management朱立新 醫生 Dr. Chu Lap Sun Patrick精神科專科 Specialist in Psychiatry2010年6月20日此講座由香港葛蘭素史克贊助 壓力是什麼 原因影響管理壓力舒緩 減壓What is stress CauseEffect ResponseManagementStress Reduction壓力是 : 拉