三年级英超班十讲 ppt修改附P6-9 调整字母在横线上对应P12 题目与教材一致underline改为chooseP17-21 调整题目与教材一致添加givenP27 听力部分缺总体音频添加整体音频P30 C选项图片与教材不符tights的话教材需要更换图片P32 C选项图片与教材不同wash up 教材需要更换图片P33-35 Speaking部分题干与教材不一致但觉得ppt3334页应该调换
英超班第九讲ppt修改附P16 去掉wordlist音频P33 ·去掉practise和explain讲解页及变色动作·practise和very hard every day颜色不同更改为相同颜色P35·去petition 和 member讲解页及变色动作·member 变色动作总是慢一些该怎么调呢……o(╥﹏╥)oP39 修改3c题干与教材一致添加in pairsP44 调整somet
Lesson 5Fun with RevisionVocabulary Revisionunhappyadj 不快乐的noisyadj 喧闹的adj 害怕的afraid worriedadj 担心的braveadj 勇敢的busyadj 忙碌的excitedadj 兴奋的boredadj 无趣的friendlyadj 友好的tiredadj 疲倦的sicklazyadj 懒惰的adj 生病的Wor
Unit 10 Fun with RevisionYou need to finish a difficult task today For some correct answers you give, you can get a letter Remember it These letters will help you finish the final CardVocabulary100Lis
Hello World 先出现全部图片,然后点击一部分图片消失。页面需设计,动作见放映。先出现全部图片,然后点击一部分图片消失。页面需设计,动作见放映。动作一: 出现两幅图。动作二:出现Trench coat动作三:出现some people wear trench coat on rainpeople wear trench coat on rainycoat In the UK, these
三年级尖子班第8讲ppt修改附P19 删除wordlist音频P24 题目与教材不一样且录音也与教材中字母顺序不同建议直接删掉音频题干录音也与教材中字母顺序不同P27 ·so前面要加逗号·与教材一致添加in·在but前加逗号 ·调整段落行距为倍行间距相同P30调整空格格式添加in:writes in a diary保持与教材一致删除blog still讲解页P32·删除crazy drum讲解页
Hello World There are seven on ourcontinents move about 2 centimetres every year请把以上七个洲抠出来。点击,Asia 晃动;点击,Australia 晃动;点击,Africa 晃动;点击,Europe 晃动;点击,North America 晃动;点击,South America 晃动点击,Antarctica 晃动C
Hello World hopscotchhide and seekplay theputerplay with an ipadspinning tops use a phoneWhat games did you see in the videoplay with an ipaduse a phonespinning topsplay theputerhide and seekh