_一个人总要走陌生的路看陌生的风景听陌生的歌然后在某个不经意的瞬间你会发现原本费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就这么忘记了.. IBT总论从考试结构上来讲IBT分读听说写四个部分 对学生的阅读听力口语写作四项英语语言能力进行综合测试从内容上来讲IBT采用的语言内容和语言场景来自北美大学校园中的诸多学习场景语言真实主题涉及教育人文商业工程技术自然科学和社会研究等六大类新TOEFL 听力 口语 阅读 写作g
托福写作之——综合写作模板The reading and listening passages debate (have a conflict of opinion about) the practice (plan proposal policy) of_________. The reading material points out three major benefits (negat
最新北京新东方全部托福——史上最全的托福(词汇听力阅读写作口语还有对应软件免费版) 都给你总结好了附带全部链接分享的同学一定是 100 分以上有了它就不 用花钱去书店了就不用花钱买软件了分类目录 托福机经类 ETS 官方发布真题类 DELTA巴朗开普兰朗文 DELTA巴朗开普兰朗文普林斯顿 旧托福资源类 新东方讲义课件类 听力类 阅读类 写作类 写作类 口语类 词汇类 综合
There are a large number of people who are content not to know what is happening in the world around them. But we live in an age of globalization and the fact that the world is closer than it has e
托福综合写作CASE STUDY 1【Reading:】You will have 3 minutes to read the fossil fuels begin to dwindle a higher and higher emphasis has been placed on technologies to use these fuels more efficiently. One fam
1 passage2The trend of students taking vacations during the school year also has benefits for teachers. When these students return to school their knowledge and enthusiasm contribute positively to the
托福综合写作CASE STUDY 1【Reading:】You will have 3 minutes to read the fossil fuels begin to dwindle a higher and higher emphasis has been placed on technologies to use these fuels more efficiently. One fam
托福综合写作CASE STUDY 1【Reading:】You will have 3 minutes to read the fossil fuels begin to dwindle a higher and higher emphasis has been placed on technologies to use these fuels more efficiently. One fam
学生困难】:一个女生在elementary school做volunteer要带小孩子去zoo但是没有车她想租车租的话就要租两辆还要另外找一个人开车【解决方案】:男生给他两个建议:1)找朋友借车再找人帮她开2)乘坐公共汽车女的说可以考虑但是在公车上照顾那么多小孩子是个challengeSample answer:The discussion is between two students.
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