Chapter 5 Introduction to Deductive GeometryChapter 5 Introduction to Deductive GeometryPAGE 120PAGE 115 PAGE 11417.In ?ABD C is the mid-point of BD and AB ? BC. Prove that 3AB ? AD.
Chapter 5 Introduction to Deductive GeometryChapter 5 Introduction to Deductive GeometryPAGE 118PAGE 119 PAGE 11417.In ?ACD AC ? CD > AD(triangle inequality)In ?ABC AB ? BC > AC(triangle
Chapter 5 Introduction to Deductive GeometryChapter 5 Introduction to Deductive GeometryPAGE 116PAGE 115 PAGE 11427.In the figure AMN is a straight line AB ? AC and BM ? CM.(a)Prove that
Chapter 5 Introduction to Deductive GeometryChapter 5 Introduction to Deductive GeometryPAGE 122PAGE 123 PAGE 11411.(? sum of ?)∴?ABC? 3(21?) ? 12? ? 51??ACB? 2(21?) 9? ? 51?∵?ABC? ?ACB
Chapter 5 Basic Concepts of PercentagesChapter 5 Basic Concepts of PercentagesPAGE 136PAGE 135 PAGE 11316.A publisher makes a profit of 10 for selling one book. If the cost of each book
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