复习 ɑnkqinin
an en inwuān án ǎn ànri
12 ɑnen inun ün人教版一年级上册执 教 者:田 霞 eiuüɑɑieiuiɑoouiuieüeer前鼻韵母ɑnān án ǎn àn前鼻韵母ɑ-n表示鼻音前鼻韵母enēn én ěn èn树阴下 īnínǐnìn蚊子 ūnúnǔnùn wén zi 白云 ǖn ǘn ǚn ǜnbái yún 你发现了什么?ɑneninunünɑneiuüɑneninunün前鼻韵母ɑnenɑnin
The micro-state of the system (系统的微观态)The principle of equalprobability (等概率原理)----the foundation of statistical physicsBoltzmann distribution (玻耳兹曼分布): the most probable distribution for the Boltzman
The micro-state of the system (系统的微观态)The principle of equalprobability (等概率原理)----the foundation of statistical physicsBoltzmann distribution (玻耳兹曼分布): the most probable distribution for the Boltzman
§6 the most probable distribution of near independent particlesThe classical description on particle’s state of motionThe quantum description on particle’s state of motionThe macroscopic observables a
§6 the most probable distribution of near independent particlesThe classical description on particle’s state of motionThe quantum description on particle’s state of motionThe macroscopic observables a