000:00:01,140 -- 00:00:08,710今天我们今天Today We have the…… today have100:00:08,990 -- 00:00:13,710讨论的主题是关于爱、the conference on the love200:00:13,710 -- 00:00:17,270移情中的攻击性。and aggression in the transfere
100:00:00,000 -- 00:00:05,786今天我们将讲述青少年的人格、病理和治疗So today, we will talk about adolescents200:00:05,786 -- 00:00:14,383今天我们将讲述青少年的人格、病理和治疗personality, pathology, and treatment300:00:21,233 -- 00:00:25
000:00:00,700 -- 00:00:05,660今天我们要讨论的是支持性心理治疗。So today we're going to discuss supportive psychotherapy100:00:06,900 -- 00:00:22,500支持性心理治疗是心理动力学取向心理治疗的一种形式。supportive psychotherapy is one modality o
100:00:00,000 -- 00:00:04,813好的,我们现在可以开始了Okay, we can start now200:00:04,813 -- 00:00:13,741好的,我需要用翻译工具吗?Okay Do I have to put on some translation or not300:00:13,741 -- 00:00:17,869不用,你不需要停下来等翻译No,
000:00:04,700 -- 00:00:07,390大家早上好呀,今天我们最后一讲。100:00:10,250 -- 00:00:10,750是问题和回答。我提前也收集了一些问题,首先请第一位老师来提问。200:00:20,560 -- 00:00:23,990有请曾旻老师。300:00:25,540 -- 00:00:39,220你现在可以来跟肯爷爷提问了。400:00:39,500
100:00:01,393 -- 00:00:04,672让我们重头开始吧From the very beginning200:00:04,672 -- 00:00:09,664让我们重头开始吧So let me start again,300:00:09,664 -- 00:00:16,576解释一下,我们要谈的是自恋型人格障碍Explaining that we're going to t
100:00:00,000 -- 00:00:02,475今天,我将给大家一下Today I'm going to give you an overview200:00:02,475 -- 00:00:09,525经典精神分析和分析性心理治疗理论的概述of classical psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy 300:00:09,5
000:00:05,700 -- 00:00:07,400今天我们要讨论的是Today we're going to talk about 100:00:07,400 -- 00:00:15,000移情焦点治疗的特殊方面special aspects of transference focus psychotherapy200:00:15,000 -- 00:00:24,900不同类型的人格障
000:00:02,100 -- 00:00:06,060是的 是的 是的 晚上好 我是Yeah, yeah, yeah, good evening I am100:00:06,360 -- 00:00:18,310我必须告诉你,我希望我们的ZOOM没有问题,因为今天的网络不是很好,I must tell you that I hope we have no problem w
000:00:00,140 -- 00:00:08,950时间到了。是的,我们最好留出The , we should better leave100:00:10,200 -- 00:00:18,60010到15分钟,在每次结束前。10 to 15 min every session in the end, in the end 200:00:20,360 -- 00:00:27,580好吧,我