第五章 放大电路中的反馈5.1 反馈的基本概念5.2 负反馈对放大电路性能的影响5.3 负反馈放大电路的分析计算5.4 负反馈放大电路的自激振荡Remark:和书上章节顺序不是特别一致5.1 反馈的基本概念5.1.1 反馈概念的建立T ICQ (IEQ)UEQ = IEQReUBEQ = UBQ- UEQIBQICQ 放大电路输出量的一部分或全部通过一定的方式引回到输入回路影
C h a p t e r 5Conditional Convergence andLong-Run Economic GrowthMacroeconomics - BarroChapter 51Conditional Convergence in PracticeMacroeconomics - BarroChapter 52Long-Run Economic GrowthMacroecono
§5 Passive Optical Resonators12345678910111213141516171 Calculate the resonant frequencies of a plane parallel resonator of 15 centimeter long, along with the frequency difference between two consecutive longitudinal modes 18
第五章 信号估计理论信号统计分析本章内容51 引言52 估计准则53 多参量的常用估计准则54 估计量评价的指标55 克拉美-罗不等式56 应用51 引言信号检测:判断是否存在信号或存在哪种信号信号估计:对信号的参量甚至波形进行定量的推断从信号检测到信号估计,是对事物从定性的判断到定量的描述。不同应用领域:数理统计领域:估计总体的均值、方差、各阶矩、相关函数等;信息与通信工程领域:估计信号的振幅、
Chapter 5 Distribution function of electrons in electric field51 Method for solving kinetic equationLet us consider in the case where a homogeneous electric field is the source of disequilibrium The e
C h a p t e r 4Working with the Solow Growth ModelMacroeconomics - BarroChapter 41Solow Growth ModelChange in savings rate (s)Macroeconomics - BarroChapter 42Solow Growth ModelChange in technology
C h a p t e r 7Consumption, Saving, and InvestmentMacroeconomics - Barro Chapter71Consumption and SavingMacroeconomics - Barro Chapter72Consumption and SavingMacroeconomics - Barro Chapter73Consumpti
C h a p t e r 1 5Money and Business Cycles I:The Price-Misperceptions ModelMacroeconomics - Barro Chapter 15 1Money and Business Cycles I:The Price-Misperceptions ModelThe Price-Misperceptions ModelM
C h a p t e r 8An Equilibrium Business-Cycle ModelMacroeconomics - Barro Chapter 8 1Cyclical Behavior of Real GDPRecessions and BoomsMacroeconomics - Barro Chapter 8 2Cyclical Behavior of Real GDPRec
Chapter 6 Markets, Prices, Supply, and DemandMacroeconomics - BarroChapter 6 1Macroeconomics - BarroChapter 6 2Constructing the Budget ConstraintMacroeconomics - BarroChapter 6 3Clearing of the Market