PAGE PAGE 6The Third Period●从容说课According to the contents based on the new course standardsenior students are required to understand the function of grammar and can use it freely.Gradually con
PAGE PAGE 8The Second Period●从容说课This period focuses on vocabularywhich is like the bricks we need to build a house.Without mastering a certain words or phraseswe cantmunicate with other p
The Third Period●从容说课According to the contents based on the new course standardsenior students are required to understand the function of grammar and can use it contact and understandplex languag
The Second Period●从容说课This period focuses on vocabularywhich is like the bricks we need to build a mastering a certain words or phraseswe cantmunicate with other peoplecorrectly express our thoug
Module One My First Day at Senior High一: 词汇N. : province n. information n. website n. prehension n. instruction n. method n. attitude n. behavior n. technology n. description
必修一Unit 1 ?Friendship1.【原句】I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. 我不知道这是不是因为我长久无法出门的缘故我变得对一切与大自然有关的事情都无比狂热
必修一专题一 中国传统文化主流思想的演变百家争鸣 孔子和早期儒学 老庄之学 法家思想 墨家的主张汉代儒学 焚书坑儒批判 罢黜百家 太学的出现 科举制的文化影响宋明理学 儒学的困境与儒学复兴运动 北宋五子与理学的创立 朱熹的学说与理学的成熟 陆王心学与理学的发展明末清初的思想活跃局面 李贽的反正统意识 黄宗羲的天下为主君为客说 顾炎武思想的启蒙精神 王夫之的孤秦陋宋批判 唐甄论凡帝
: : : 必修一 : 束缚继承陶冶精练新颖充溢风云变幻嘉言懿行领略借鉴简洁提要钩玄脉络纲举目张化繁为简描摹音容笑貌真挚明辨是非领悟揣摩圈点批注急剧变化渠道脱胎去粗取精第1课沁园春橘子洲万户侯怅寥廓曾记否竞自由忆往昔百舸争流挥斥方遒书生意气风华正茂携来百侣浪遏飞舟峥嵘岁月漫江碧透层林尽染苍茫大地激扬文字谁主沉浮鹰击长空鱼翔浅底指点江山第2课雨巷撑着彷徨悠长寂寥愁怨芬芳忧