小升初真题每日一练语文试题2015年1月15日1下列加点字注音有错误的一项是( )A.庸碌(lù) 黎民百姓(lí) 媚上欺下(mèi)B.繁衍(yǎn) 恼羞成怒(nǎo) 气吞斗牛(dòu)C.谀词(yú) 恪尽职守(kè) 弥留之际(mí)D.亵渎(xiè) 廓然无
小升初真题每日一练语文试题2015年1月21日1读语段给加点字注音或根据拼音写出汉字(依次填写) 生命是一树花开或安静或热烈或黯淡或绚( )烂就在岁月的年轮中渐次厚重那些天真的跃动的抑或深思的灵魂就在繁华与喧xiāo( )中被镌上深深浅浅的印hén( ) 2下面一段话中有两处语病请找出来并写出修改意见 ①电信诈骗的泛滥和滋生使许多人成为受害者②电信诈骗不仅损害了公民权益而且扰
2015年CFA每日一练(3月15日) 1. Assuming that as return on equity (ROE) is 12 and the required rate of return is 10which of the following would most likely cause the s PE ratio to rise? A)The firms ROEfalls.
小升初真题每日一练语文试题2015年1月5日1下列加点字注音全都正确的一项是( )A.纠葛(gé) 债券(juàn) 亲昵(nì) 侃侃(kǎn)而谈B.静谧(mì) 饶恕(shù) 蹉(cuō)跎 良莠(xiù)不齐C.炽(zhì)热 栖(qī)息 摩挲(suō) 拈(zhān)轻怕重D.匀称(chèn) 造诣(yì) 湮(yān
2015年CFA每日一练(3月1日) 1 . One advantage ofusing price-to-book value (PBV) multiples for stock valuation is that:? A most of the time itis close to the market value.? B)it is a stable andsimple benchma
2015年CFA每日一练(3月13日) an analyst estimates the intrinsic value for a security that is differentfrom its market value the analyst should most likely take an investmentposition based on this difference
2015年CFA每日一练(3月7日) threat ofsubstitute products is most likely to be low for a firm that:? A)produces amodityproduct in an industry with significant unused capacity.? B)operates in afragmented
2015年CFA每日一练(3月17日) shares most likely:? A)can be exchanged fomon stock at a ratio determined at issuance.? B)give the shareholderthe right to sell the shares back to the firm at a specific pr