Part 1 Multiple Choice(每小题:1 分)Directions: Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A B C and humor helps make products more ________ to . availableB. sensibleC. feasibleD. as the incr
选择题: 阅读理解一大题3)A 4)A- 5)b - 1)c二大题:3)A - 2)b 5)b - 1)c三大题1)A - 5)b - 4)c四大题2)A - 5)b - 1)c 3)c 4)c完形填空:一4)A6)A9)A12)A-3)b5)b11)b-1)c7)c13)c15)c二2)A10)A12)A-5)b7)b9)b13)b14)b-1)c6)c11)c都出来三个选项了应知道
《开放英语》 I(1) 网上作业为了照顾出差在外或因事未能按时完成离线作业的同学请没有按时完成作业的同学珍惜这次机会抓紧时间上传离线作业.提交作业的同学不要忘记写上班级教学班县区教学班的同学请将作业提交至各自教学班的教学平台注:《开放英语》I(1)及《开放英语》I(2) 网上作业适用于我校开放教育专科各专业(英语专业除外)学生《开放英语》I(1)即TEST 1为第一学期学生的网上作业而设
英语1 第一次网上作业一Exercises for Unit One1. Multiple choice:(选择填空)1)Where are you C__ Im . in b. at c. from d. to2)He is _b__ . a b. an c. the d. 3)He _a__ at that . works b. work c. is w
英语1 第一次网上作业一Exercises for Unit One1. Multiple choice:(选择填空)1)Where are you ____ Im . in b. at c. from d. to2)He is ___ . a b. an c. the d. 3)He ____ at that . works b. work c. is w
Online Exercise 1I. Vocabulary and StructureDirections: There are a number of iplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A) B) C) and D). Choose the ONE answer