Summary on thermodynamicsThermal phenomenaFundamental laws of thermodynamicsPhase/chemical equilibreiumInduction (归纳法)Introductory remark on Statistical Physics(统计物理)Thermodynamics (热力学)研究热现象和物质性质的宏观理
Summary on thermodynamicsThermal phenomenaFundamental laws of thermodynamicsPhase/chemical equilibreiumIntroductory remark on Statistical Physics(统计物理)Thermodynamics (热力学)研究热现象和物质性质的宏观理论(macroscopic t
Chapter8 Bose statistics and Fermi Statistics Quantum statisticsStatistical expressions for thermodynamic variables 热力学量的统计表达式 内能,熵,状态方程…2Introduction to Bose-Einstein Condensate 玻色爱因斯坦凝聚简介Reading mat
§7 Boltzmann statistics density or number of particles in phase space principle of equipartition of energy(能量均分定理)Maxwell velocity distributionBoltzmann distributionReading materials中文教材 73-74 p195-20
The micro-state of the system (系统的微观态)The principle of equalprobability (等概率原理)----the foundation of statistical physicsBoltzmann distribution (玻耳兹曼分布): the most probable distribution for the Boltzman
The micro-state of the system (系统的微观态)The principle of equalprobability (等概率原理)----the foundation of statistical physicsBoltzmann distribution (玻耳兹曼分布): the most probable distribution for the Boltzman
§7 Boltzmann statistics density or number of particles in phase space principle of equipartition of energy(能量均分定理)Maxwell velocity distributionBoltzmann distributionReading materials中文教材 73-74 p195-20
§65BoseEinstein distributionand FermiDirac distribution (quantum statistics)§66 The relations among three distributions§6 the most probable distribution of near independent particlesDistinguishable an
Rotational system diatomic ideal gas (continue)§7 Boltzmann statistics: quantum descriptionEntropy of ideal gasEinstein’s theory on the heat capacity of solidStatistical mechanics of paramagnetic medi
Rotational system diatomic ideal gas (continue)§7 Boltzmann statistics: quantum descriptionEntropy of ideal gasEinstein’s theory on the heat capacity of solidStatistical mechanics of paramagnetic medi