The DepartmentHave you ever imagined managing an international leading brand Are you prepared to take challenges and make your work creative and exciting Join the winning team of P&G marketing! We w
The Department CMK plays a key role in understanding the consumers and developing/evaluating marketing strategy, With the strategic thinking and a series of advanced market research techniques, we w
The DepartmentTechnical research and innovation are the cornerstones of P&G's success P&G is first and foremost a research and developmentpany and R&D is the lifeblood of the business Beijing Te
在宝洁市场部实习的五十六天 2004年11月08日来源:?BBS 水木清华站发信人: lethee 说声再见是为了早日再相见记在宝洁市场部的五十六天 二零零四年九月三日晚上十一点半,走向电梯门口回首向静悄悄的办公室看最后一眼。这个别样的夏天,五十六个日日夜夜清晰的浮现眼前,是沉甸甸的收获,是成长的喜悦,是依依的不舍,是真正融入血液的宝洁理念,化为浓浓的别绪:再见
1.宝洁简介 宝洁全球日用消费品巨头 概况 THE STATS 类型:日用消费品 经营规模:全球最大的日用消费品之一创始人:PROCTER、GAMBLE 总裁兼首席执行官:雷富礼() 产品种类:织物及家居护理、美发美容、婴儿及家庭护理、健康护理、食品及饮料等 销售额: 514亿美元(2003-2004财政年度)员工数:约100000 持有专利:超过29,000项 总部地址:美国俄亥
The DepartmentP&G IDS - Building CareersA P&G IDS career offers an exciting and fast paced environment to build Technical, Business and Leadership skills You will apply these skills to deliverp
The Department F&A MissionPlay a leadership role in the profitable growth of ourpany's business through sound financial planning, management, and control, Play an important part in setting the
((((中国中国中国中国))))市场营销案例分析市场营销案例分析市场营销案例分析市场营销案例分析((((一一一一))))品牌概述品牌概述品牌概述品牌概述((((一一一一))))品牌概述品牌概述品牌概述品牌概述名称名称名称名称::::宝洁宝洁宝洁宝洁((((Procter GambleProcter GambleProcter GambleProcter Gamble))))
The DepartmentTechnical research and innovation are the cornerstones of PGs success. PG is first and foremost a research and developmentpany and RD is the lifeblood of the business. Beijing Techni