

  • 稿.doc

    My fellow citizens: I stand here today humbled by the task before us grateful for the trust you have bestowed mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for his servic

  • 国宴稿.doc

    Remarks by President Obama and President Hu of the Peoples Republic of China in an Exchange of Toasts at State DinnerState Dining Room7:51 . EST???? PRESIDENT OBAMA:? Good evening everybody.? Please h

  • 获胜稿.docx

    My fellow citizens: 我的同胞们: I stand here today humbled by the task before us grateful for the trust you have bestowed mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President Bush for his se

  • 2.doc

    Hi everybody. Last week without much fanfare Members of the House of Representatives banged a gavel turned out the lights and rushed home declaring their work finished for now. If that frustrates

  • 开学稿(中文版).doc


  • 2012胜选稿英文.doc

    Thank you so more than 200 years after a former colony won the right to determine its own destiny to perfect our union moves moves forward because of you. It moves forward because you reaffirmed the

  • 柏林中英文稿.doc

    BARACK OBAMA BERLIN SPEECH: A WORLD THAT STANDS AS ONETHURS JULY 24 2008 12:58:02Thank you to the citizens of Berlin and to the people of Germany. Let me thank Chancellor Merkel and Foreign Minister S

  • 中文.doc

    同胞们:  我今天站在这里深感面前使命的重大深谢你们赋予的信任并铭记我们前辈所付的代价我感谢布什总统对国家的贡献以及他在整个过渡阶段给予的大度合作  至此有四十四个美国人发出总统誓言这些字词曾在蒸蒸日上的繁荣时期和宁静安详的和平年代诵读但是间或它们也响彻在阴云密布风暴降临的时刻美国能够历经这些时刻而勇往直前不仅因为当政者具有才干或远见而且也因为我们人民始终坚信我们先辈的理想对我们的建国理念忠贞不渝

  • 090822.doc

    Each and every day in this country Americans are grappling with health care premiums that are growing three times the rate of wages and insurance policies that limit coverage and raise out-of-pocket

  • 090815.doc

    This week Ive been traveling across our country to discuss health insurance reform and to hear directly from folks like you – your questions your concerns and your I know theres been a lot of attenti



