英美报刊选读教学大纲课程英文名称: Journalistic Reading Course学分:2总学时:36授课对象:大学英语四级学生开课学期:2011年9月课程的性质目的与任务本课程是大学英语选修课在通识教育理念和以内容依托教学的指导下把学生从枯燥乏味的以语言形式为主体的学习中解放了Delete出来实现了Delete以语言形式为主体向以内容为主体教学的转化把英语学习融入了现实的生活之中实现
单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级To My ClassA Selective Reading of English Journals英语报刊选读 David Wu Mobile: 15952022168 E-mail: y6515058163My Calling Card Who am I W
单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级A contrast of higher education in the United States and Britain第五组黄晓娟2009031241温旦苹2010031236李红燕2010213142Some vocabulary about higher education Vocabulary of Brita
Functions Categorization of HeadlinesCharacteristics of headlinescentered headlineGrammatical features---- TenseGrammatical features ---- PunctuationRhetorical features
General Features of News English4. Good helper for the learners to improve their writing skill due to the expert use of various writing techniques like personification irony etc. in features .The New
424 timeObama to Japan: Yes, the US Will Defend YouPresident Obama acknowledged for the first time on Thursday that the disputed islands in the East China Sea, which are claimed by both Japan and Ch
Lesson Nine. Iraq: Who won the warNot the 90000 Iraqi civilians or the 4200 US and UK troops killed since 2003. The big winners are the money men who have made billions. Raymond Whitaker and Stephen
海上丝绸之路是古代东西方通过海路以商贸为依托承载文化艺术交流的和平之路它以其深远的意义广博的内涵对世界文明的进程产生了巨大推动和影响本次展览荟萃沿海各省重要海丝遗存不但折射出中国历代的流光风韵再现波澜壮阔横跨万里的航海图景也在今天全球化视野下进一步探索了古代东西方贸易和文化交流的深刻意义有助于唤醒古老的海洋记忆推动中华民族复兴的伟大进程 :
The Decline of Neatness 行为标准的蜕化By Norman CousinsAnyone with a passion for hanging labels on people or things should have little difficulty in recognizing that an apt tag for our time is the Unkempt Ge