Unit 8 Play and scoreReviewturtle carrotrabbit snakeLook! What are theyWhat are they doingThey are rabbitsThey are making the letter RrCcAaBbDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmOoPpQqRrSsTtVvWwNnUuumbrellaUu vestV vw
Unit 4Find the hidden letters小朋友,你能讲出下面这个故事吗?house [haus]horse[h?:s] 爸爸养了一匹马hen [hen] 妈妈养了一只母鸡春天到了,儿子喜欢放风筝kite [kait]夏天到了,儿子喜欢吃冰激凌ice cream[ais] [kri:m]秋天到了,要穿夹克衫jacket ['d??kit]冬天到了,水都结成了冰ice [ais]Hh
Unit 4 Find the hidden lettersReviewduck dogeelelephantfish froggirlgiraffe动画swf Look! It’s a frog! Yes,it is Wee! Have fun!I will ! AaBbCc D d Ee Ff G g火眼金睛horsehousehenIt`s the letterat my hous
Unit4 Find the hidden -creamjacketjuicekitekangrooAa Bb CcAmy and CathyAa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff GgA cat in the treeEe Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj KkAn apple and a cakeHh Ii Jj KkHh Ii Jj Kk1U4课文抄两遍听录音读会。2字母Aa-Jj及里面的单词各一
Unit 4 Find the hiddena game!老鹰抓小鸡: 同学们围成一个大圈,学生1拿着卡片随便抓住一只小鸡,让小鸡抽一张卡片并读出来,回答正确的小鸡就当老鹰抓其他小鸡,回答错误的同学就淘汰出局,谁留到最后谁就是winner!househorsehenicekiteicecreamicecreamice creamjacketFashion showTouch老师说:“Look at
Unit 4 Find the hidden letters PaulaReviewDd duck dogEe eel elephantFffish frogGg girl giraffeLook! It’s a frog! Yes, it isWee! Have fun!I will !火眼金睛horsehouseheniceice cream jacketkite flykiteKk
Unit 1 school is fun学校真好玩快速抢答以下单词,写在练习上,回家后,将其音标填写上,看谁做的最棒!讲,告诉tell橡皮eraser书包bag教室classroom操场playground游泳池swimming pool花园gardennumberbigsmall数字大的小的penpencil钢笔铅笔 pencil-caserulerblackboard黑板askadj不同的a
Wee to our school!剑桥少儿英语预备级A册授课教师Elisastand up sit downe here!Go myselfElisaboy girlteacher boygirlteacherHelloHiHiHelloHiI love you Unit1 GreetingsHello! Hi!Hello!Hi!Hi HiHelloHello HiHiHi 2
duckdogeelelephantRead one byone by one or guess ’s ’sa ’sa ’san ’sa ’san ’san eel中小学教育教学资源打包下载