My childrenMy children are twinsa boy and a girl. They have ten month. They are very cute. Two children have an advantage: have a partner to do anything. Baby have a problem: most of the time they can
一美国的缺点:美国太自由开放毒品枪枝飙车性 滥治安败坏青少年在此容易受污染学坏 咱们子弟在此读书容易受同学歧视欺负对子女身心是极大伤害 只学英语单一国际语言 毕业後谋职不易税负重 种族歧视我们在美国是【次等国民】难有发展难进入主流社会 近年气候反常天灾频繁国家赤字严重国际收支赤字严重2005年即接近8000亿美元 进入21世纪美国国力将逐渐衰退其对国际之影响力逐渐式微很明显是登极而衰了 911恐怖
Australian Immigration: A Statistical StudyListening to numbers and statistics in an academic lectureTo improveprehension of dates numbers and percentagesTo develop note-taking skillsTo build on v
七賢村英語世界教材<Materials>機場入境與通關Scene 場景At the CustomsSituation 情境介紹Harry has just arrived at Heathrow International Airport. He has to go through Immigration and Customs before he can enter the United Ki