Have you decided this evening- Your soup is excellent. But... – But we order it every time.- What else do you have – Well we have a very nice foie know about the foie old standby used to be famous f
电影料理鼠王经典哲理台词欣赏Great cookingis not for the faint of heart.好的烹饪是需要用心的You must be imaginativestrong hearted.你必须要想象力坚定的信心You must try things that may not work.你得敢于尝试那种不可能的事And you must not let anyonedefin
注:括号里为王大锤的·····(你懂的)Part 1王:我叫王大锤明天就要高考了今天一定要好好复习考到第一名我到底是上清华呢还是上蓝翔呢哎好纠结啊奋笔疾书的感觉真好王:喂妹子:锤锤我是小美你还记得我吗王:(小美不正是我魂牵梦絮的女神吗她给我打做什么)妹子:锤锤我可以来你家吗王:不行我是要认真学习的男人妹子:锤锤别读书了做我男朋友吧王:(我去竟然都送到门口了)王:(妹子:锤锤人家要去游乐园锤锤人
乌骓别霸王这汗津津的一身疲惫冷冷地包裹着我苍凉的心霸王啊霸王我的横扫千军的霸王就在你枕剑酣睡的时候呼啸的狂风吹来四面楚歌我腾地而起用带血的嘶鸣把你唤醒霸王啊霸王我的义薄云天的霸王这黑沉沉的夜晚 这楚歌如潮的夜晚 这血雨腥风扑天而来的夜晚 你不该用缰绳窒息我的怒火锁住我的悲愤 霸王啊霸王我的气吞山河的霸王 千万里血流成河 没有阻挡我勇往直前的血性
迪斯尼动画英语《狮子王》 【电影片段台词】- Truth But truth is in the eye of the behold... All right. All right. I did it.- So they can hear you.- I killed Mufasa- Excuse me. Pardon me.ing through.- Hot stuff. Whoo- L
料理鼠王Remy是一只一心想当厨师的老鼠它有天赋肯用功但在它面前横亘着一个终极障碍——用制片人John Lasseter的话来说:It is a wonderful story about following your passions when all the world is against you. A rat to a kitchen is deatha kitchen to a rat
国王的演讲经典台词King George VI: [Logue is sitting on the coronation throne] Get up Y-you cant sit there GET UPLionel Logue: Why not Its a George VI: T-that... that is Saint Edwards Logue: People have carve
语言节奏游戏《小老鼠上灯台》 设计意图:有一只小老鼠晚上肚子实在太饿了怎么也睡不着忽然问道一股香油味它探头一看原来在灯台上有油在一滴一滴地往下滴小老鼠转了下眼珠悄悄地爬上了
小老鼠上灯台1=C 44 . . .5 5 3 5 5 3 5 5 3 5 6 5 1 1 1 — 小 老 鼠 上 灯 台 偷 油 吃 下 不 来 喵 喵 喵.