新托福独立写作论证组合之假设举例论证在上一章节中笔者已经为大家介绍了新托福独立写作中最常用的论证方式组合即因果和举例法的组合在本节中朗阁 HYPERLINK : 托福培训中心将继续为各位介绍其他论证方式组合首先我们看到的是假设和举例法以及因果法的组合下面我们来看一个例子: ?First of all I want to say that obstacles make peopl
新托福独立写作扩展技巧:例证法高分不是梦想但突破瓶颈达到高分还是需要些技巧和运气在新托福写作部分许多考生的分数一直徘徊在20分左右难以突破25分达到更高的层次问题在哪呢就独立写作部分而言争取达到SCORE 4是写作总分突破25分的有力保证 朗阁海外考试研究中心分析认为对于已经有一定基础能够达到SCORE 3的考生来说突破的关键点之一就在于是否能在确定的主题下将各点支持理由进行充分的扩展做到
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Obviously the earliest teachers we have in our live
托福独立写作文章结构及论证方式(下)朗阁海外考试研究中心 唐艳在结构书写正确的情况下论证就是我们接下来要的问题解决这个问题的关键我们首先要了解独立作文的问题类型1. 二选一题型具体可以看下面呈现的题目:Some students prefer to have their final grades determined by numerous small assignments wher
托福独立写作范文举例:人靠衣装独立写作题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement People behave differently when they wear different clothes. Do you agree that different clothes influence the way people beh
洞悉新托福独立写作之结构朗阁海外考试研究中心南昌朗阁英语培训中心 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement 这是新托福独立写作的典型提问方式正是因为相对较统一的提问法她降低了不少应对难度至少考生在完成独立写作前是可以有针对性的练习和研究的然而要想取得5分的好成绩单纯知道题目的提问方式是远远不够的考官如何 HYPERLINK
Tpo 17 independent writingAs themercial civilization of humanity moves forward the world is enfested with advertisements.开篇套话As themercial civilization of human being moves forward the world i
新托福十套独立写作模板--外朗教育 模板一 A or B Depending on personal experience personality type and emotional concern we find that some people hold the idea of A meanwhile others prefer to B from my point of view it