第一节 主题题型? ? 时间与数字题型 时间数字和计算是听力测试中最常见的题型试题中虽然涉及的数字或数目并不多但考生的答对率却不高究其原因一是对数字的表达方法不够熟悉二是对技巧的运用不够熟练 时间题的四个选项一般都是表达时刻的数字或是星期年月等词偶尔会有介词后跟数字数字题的选项则有可能为纯粹的数字或带有货币符号的数字解题要点:一般来说正确答案不会是直接听到的数字而往往是在意思上与这相同或相近或
ListeningAims?and?Demands:??Understand the functions of a cellphone. Practice students ability in listening speaking reading and writing.?Key?Points?and?Difficult?Points:?1.?Help students understan
Time Name Class Date Number Task 1 Listen and circle the word
Active ListeningHear What People Are Really SayingListening is one of the most important skills you can have. How well you listen has a major impact on your job effectiveness and on the quality of you
=viewratingstid=94178pid=94188 高二Unit7 LIVING WITH DISEASE (six periods)I. Brief statements Based on the UnitThis unit mainly talks about deadly diseases and
Midterm Exam-listening一、You will hear two statements (No 1&2) and three short conversations (No 3-5) There will be one question for each of them Choose the right answer out of the three choices for
Model Test TwoVocabulary and Structure (10)1. Few of the students understand why language is _______ to human . aware B. uniqueC. absolute D. continual2. The method he used
Unit 3 ListeningSection A 1bWoman: So what are you doing _____ _________ Anna Anna: Im going to the ____ ______ Join . He just got his ________license .Women: Im sorry . You cant go with John .