

  • S05E01(1).doc

    100:00:02,18 -- 00:00:05,84Friends,family, we're gathered to celebrate各位亲朋好友 今天大家齐聚一堂200:00:06,12 -- 00:00:08,95the joyous union of Ross and Emily庆祝罗斯与艾蜜莉缔结良缘300:00:09,85 -- 00:00:12,08Now,Ross,repe

  • S05E01.doc

    ,family, we're gathered to celebrate各位亲朋好友 今天大家齐聚一堂2the joyous union of Ross and Emily庆祝罗斯与艾蜜莉缔结良缘,Ross,repeat after me罗斯,请跟我覆述4l,Ross我,罗斯… 5I,Ross我,罗斯…6Take thee,Emily娶你,艾蜜莉…thee,Rachel娶你,瑞秋… I go

  • S02E01(1).doc

    100:00:02,43 -- 00:00:05,06This is pretty much what's happened so far到目前为止大概是这样子…200:00:05,37 -- 00:00:08,13Ross was in love with Rachel since forever打从一开始罗斯就爱瑞秋300:00:08,37 -- 00:00:11,36Every time

  • S05E07(1).doc

    100:00:03,43 -- 00:00:05,23Are you looking at naked tribeswomen你在看原住民裸女吗?200:00:05,80 -- 00:00:07,13No,look不是,你看300:00:08,44 -- 00:00:09,99That's a pig这是猪耶400:00:10,47 -- 00:00:13,13I know But look

  • S06E01(1).doc

    100:00:04,530 -- 00:00:05,730Okay,this is it好,该结婚了200:00:06,600 -- 00:00:08,070You sure you wanna do this你确定要这么做?300:00:12,270 -- 00:00:14,540Hello,Mrs Ross你好,罗斯太太400:00:14,810 -- 00:00:17,970Well,h

  • S08E01(1).doc

    100:00:04,580 -- 00:00:06,570Oh, my God, we did it!我的天啊,我们真的那么做了200:00:06,750 -- 00:00:09,650We just got married Right there!我们刚刚结婚了,就在那里300:00:10,460 -- 00:00:12,010Is that your ring那是你的戒指吗?400:00:

  • S05E06(1).doc

    100:00:07,04 -- 00:00:09,97None of that Not while you're under my roof!不准这样,还住在我屋里 就得守规矩200:00:12,21 -- 00:00:16,20Just because I know about you doesn't mean I like looking at it就算我知道内幕 也不代表我喜欢看你们亲热

  • S09E01(1).doc

    100:00:07,340 -- 00:00:09,300Joey乔伊?200:00:10,810 -- 00:00:12,900Oh, my God喔,我的天啊!300:00:15,340 -- 00:00:16,570Okay我答应你400:00:26,490 -- 00:00:27,680So那么…500:00:29,190 -- 00:00:32,560I guess we shoul

  • S01E01(1).doc

    100:00:01,60 -- 00:00:05,05The One Where It All Began (Pilot)六人行 第1季 第01集 莫妮卡的新室友200:00:55,42 -- 00:00:59,25There's nothing to tell It's just some guy I work with没什么好说的! 他不过是我的同事!300:00:59,45 -- 00:

  • S07E01(1).doc

    100:00:04,080 -- 00:00:05,450Hey, what's going on嘿,怎么样?200:00:05,720 -- 00:00:08,020I found a note on my door,e to Monica's我家门上有张纸条说 过来摩妮卡家300:00:08,220 -- 00:00:11,280Bring champagne and a Thre



