art : 抽象派艺术艺术 · ArtA nonrepresentational that emphasizes formal values over the representation of subject matter.强调形式至上忽视内容的一种非写实主义绘画风格Kandinsky produced abstract art characterized by imagery that
art : 抽象派艺术艺术 · ArtA nonrepresentational that emphasizes formal values over the representation of subject matter.强调形式至上忽视内容的一种非写实主义绘画风格Kandinsky produced abstract art characterized by imagery
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Tsunami: Tidal wave Destitute: people who are poor Predator: an animal that kills and eats other animalsPeril: great danger especially of being harmed or killed. Ferragamo: an famous Italian shoe bran
英语知识 :蜡防印花Painting on wax-treated cloth.在蜡布上作的画Susan learned about batik in college.苏珊在读大学时学过蜡防印花 :包豪斯建筑风格A design school that promoted functional and geometric elements in design.指包豪斯造型学院倡导的强调实用和几何学要
英语知识 art 计算机艺术Electronically produced images displayed on video screen.在屏幕上显示运用电子手段设计图像的艺puter art be popular in the 1980s whenputers started to be more available to the public.当80 年代个
英语知识 ladder :的官阶A series of steps in the organizational hierarchy of a .组织等级制度中的一系列晋升阶梯Climbing the corporate ladder is not as popular as it used to be.走的晋升之道不象以前那样有吸引力了 raider :强行收购A person et