play soccer(踢足球)play basketball(打篮球)play table tennis(打乒乓)play vollyball(打排球)jump(跳远)run(跑步)赞同9 评论 l 向TA求助 回答者: =6un=lydjlqfyq l 2 t _blank lydjlqfyq _ l 如何选择头衔 t _blank 一级 擅长领域: 暂未定制 参
口译词汇口译笔译分类词汇(18)--体育运动词汇Created with an evaluation copy of . To discover the full versions of our APIs please visit: :PAGE Created with an evaluatio
Individual Sports 体育项目gymnastics 体操gymnastic apparatus 体操器械horizontal bar 单杠parallel bars 双杠rings 吊环trapeze 秋千wall bars 肋木side horse pommelled horse 鞍马weight-lifting 举重weights 重量级boxing 拳击Greece-
Reference for Teaching(一)Extreme SportsRick Stevenson 16 years old spends every minute he can on the mountain .He and his friends go snowboarding every weekend . Its great. he says. The winds are so
体育运动专题词汇(足球) ::详细内容::?? 世界杯英式足球锦标赛 The World Cup Soccer Championship 国际足联 FIFA: the Federation International de Football Assn 取得决赛资格的最后十六支球队 the draw of 16 teams 半决赛球队 semi-finals 足球 football soccer A
棋类? Chess? 游泳swimming? 射箭Archery 田径Athletics? 羽毛球Badminton棒球Baseball 篮球Basketball? 拳击Boxing? 皮划艇Canoeing 自行车Cycling? 马术Equestrian? 击剑Fencing 足球Football? 体操Gymnastics? 手球Handball 曲棍球Hockey? 柔道Judo
七夕古今诗人惯咏星月与悲情吾生虽晚世态炎凉却已看透矣情也成空且作挥手袖底风罢是夜窗外风雨如晦吾独坐陋室听一曲《尘缘》合成诗韵一首觉放诸古今亦独有风韵也乃书于纸上毕而卧凄然入梦乙酉年七月初七-----啸之记 法语学习关于体育运动的基本词汇1)一般用语 发展体育运动增强人民体质 Développer les sports fortifier la constitution physique d