学位英语语法词汇学位英语语法词汇测练(1)例:The newsing from different parts of the world are often extremely discouraging A B C Dthese days. () 例:The responsibility of th
赵 丽词 汇介绍1一计划 本课程词汇集中在20006000都是一些基本的词汇生活中常用的词汇背单词要有目的性清楚自己参加什么考试要有针对性才更有热情根据自己是哪类人在一星期内复习相关词汇力求反复掌握 背单词过程: 看-认-背-用现阶段只停留在前两阶段 背单词一次只需了解12个词意然后在阅读中不断扩展可用新概念4做为阅读材料定期背诵二英语单词的构成1基础词汇:无特别记忆需建立与汉语词意间的联
日语2级文字词汇练习题01問題 次に文の下線をつけた言葉はどのように読みますかその読み方をそれぞれの1·2·3·4から一つ選びなさい 問1 主役が効果的に登場したことが観客の心を捕えた (1)主役 1しゅえき 2しゅやく 3しゅうえき 4しゅうやく (2)登場 1とうば 2どうば 3とうじょう 4どうじょう (3)観客 1かんかく 2かんきゃく 3がんかく 4がんきゃく (4)
单击此处编辑母版标题样式单击此处编辑母版文本样式第二级第三级第四级第五级GrammarWhere is the pen Its on the box.Its_____the box.inWheres the pen∧nd ]Its ________ the box.under[′Its ______ the box.behind[bi′haind]The blue
AWL Sublist 1 - . He did an _______________ of the way children learn language for his Masters thesis. 2. He was arrested for drunk driving because he had drunk more than the _______
学位英语词汇和语法常考词汇1 虚拟语气宾语从 句:orderdemandrequirerequestdirecmandurgerulesuggestadvisevotepropose movermendpreferdecideinsistdesiredecree主语从 句:vitalimportantessentialimperativeobligatorynecessary
初中英语词汇单项练习答案1.scientist 2. surprised 3. tired 4. scream 5 interesting 6 introduction 7 clearly 8 difficulty 9.north 1.Edison was a great s_______ in the world.2.We are all s_______
Senior Three初三英语词汇练习Yao11. 21Book intocluesalonebehind barscrime1. Has anyone __________ breaking the window in the classroom2. I dont want to go because I am afraid of walking the street __________