Unit 15“Word cheer” gameLet’s listen!剑桥少儿英语预备级A_unit15 - 英语mp3下载 - 【宝宝吧】儿童英语 AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHh IiJjKkLlMm Nn OoPpQqRr SsTtUuVvWw Xx Yy Zz anaaaananaananaaananananaaananaaaaanaaGive me a P!PPGive me a
Unit 15“Word cheer” game Paulareviewcrocodilegoat onetwothreefour fivesix seven eightnineten Newwordsgive meanothera / an Give me a P! Give me an E! Give me a T! Give me another E! Give me an R!What
Unit 15 “Word cheer gameListen, point andsheepgoat1,How many lions can you see2I can seemany pandas are there are manylettersarethere abdce fhgoikljnmrpvsqtuxwzy贝特教育What’sthisAanIt’s B It’sa a P anEa
Unit 15 “Word cheer ”gameMichelle give给me 我 Giveme a P给我一个P。Give me an R给我一个Ranother另一个Give me another E ! 请给我另一个E!What have yougot Peter 中小学教育教学资源打包下载
Wee to our English classeon !教师:王艳霞ReviewHow many表示有多少Onetwothreefourfive678910sixseveneightninetenUnit 15“word cheer” gameWhat’s the letterIt’s the letter PGive me a P!给我······给我一个字母Pwhat’s t
How manyBy Lilycrocodilespandaslionsfishelephantscatsmonkeysgiraffe sheepgoat1,How many lions can you see2I can seemany pandas are there are , point andmany pigs can you seeI can seesixHow many apples
Unit 15He’s got three -starters BListen, point andmany balloons are theresixfourfiveeightseventhreetwoblack bearbrownbearfamily contestpkHe’s got twomany turtles are thereThere are six ’s got sixmany
Unit 14How manyzeroonetwothreefourfivesixseveneightninetenone1two234threefourfive5six6seven789eightnineten10123 135489670110 11412099955551212 5431 22443516 98705555-1212 5431-78904343-250127599962789
Unit16HappyNew Year!Happy New Yearcameramirrordolljacket toy carwatchWhat has she got thenShe’s got an TVgo swimminggo skatinggo bike-ridingplayputer gamesplay footballplay hide-and-seek中小学教育教学资源打包下载
UNIT 15He’s got three sticks1 Look, listen andBear FamilyBlack bear familyRead ,match and,chant,point and sing印第安男孩一个,两个,三个印第安小男孩。四个,五个,六个印第安小男孩。七个,八个,九个印第安小男孩。十个印第安小男孩。中小学教育教学资源打包下载