There are three kinds of goals: short-term medium-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals are those that usually deal with current activities which we can apply on a daily basis. Such goals can be
U4Blaspheme v 咒骂亵渎He was at first blasphemed and later applauded by the criticsBlasphemy n 不敬的言行亵渎神明Blasphemous adj 不敬的亵渎神明的 Epitome n 1典型典范2缩影He is the epitome of a modern young manEpitomizeise
How to Prepare for Earthquakes Members:陈森程龙辉杭宇黄认黄天玲It is well known that the earthquake will bring us a great deal of harm It makes us lost relatives and homes, bring us a great loss2345 Now let us l
Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A:plete the sentences using the correct words in the . Our office building luckily had a(n) power supply to use when the electricity went out. ? ? Your answ
Unit 6 Being CreativeText A 创意性格米哈伊·奇克森特米海伊我花了30年的时间研究富有创意的人是如何生活和工作的如果要用一个词来概括他们的性格与常人的差别所在那就是复杂他们身上有着极其矛盾的特征他们不是个体每个有创意的人都是复合体下面就是富有创意的人身上常会具备的一些特征这些特征有机组合辩证统一1.富有创意的人精力充沛但也经常安静地休息他们可以注意力高度集中地工作很长时
Part I: Vocabulary and StructureSection A: Choose the best way toplete the . Though it was difficult Carlos knew the only _______ thing to do would be to admit cheating on the test. A. honestly