Terms and Tips1CPU2RAM3Quantum [kw?nt?m]4IBM5Intel6Pentium[pentju:m]7IT8Cache [k?∫]9This version of Windows requires a Pentium IV or better ·play [displei]flop·py [fl?pi]mod·ern [m?d?rn]at·tached [?t?
Video Terms and Acro
目录 TOC o 1-3 h z u l _Toc371261066 目录 PAGEREF _Toc371261066 h 1 l _Toc371261067 1环境 PAGEREF _Toc371261067 h 2 l _Toc371261068 2安装步骤 PAGEREF _Toc371261068 h 2 l _Toc371261069 简介 PAG
Backorder ReportingBackorder(缺货通知单): An unfilled customer order. A backorder is demand (immediate or past due) against an item whose current stock level is insufficient to satisfy demand. This ca
Panel BADPxPyX60H20C0YC2020Nation 260S